Storytime Schedule
Parents & Caregivers
Birth to Pre-K Library storytimes and activities are designed to be developmentally appropriate for ages 0-5, however any age and/or siblings are welcome to attend. Caregivers should plan on attending and helping little ones to engage, feel comfortable, and enjoy early literacy. All Pre-K activities are free and open to the public. No registration required. We work hard to make Storytime as inclusive as possible!
Baby Storytime: Songs, rhymes, books, and activities designed to be developmentally appropriate for birth-24 months.
- Tuesdays 9am
- Followed by Baby and Toddler Open Play from 9:30am to 12pm.
All Ages Storytime: Songs, rhymes, books, and activities designed to be developmentally appropriate for ages 2-5 years.
- Select Mondays at 6pm as part of our Family Night series. See calendar.
- Wednesdays 10am
- Thursday 10am
Youth Services does not provide storytimes during the month of May or August. Please see the online calendar for most up to date schedule.