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Donate or Volunteer

Donations, Gifts, and Memorials

A donation to the library is a nice way to commemorate a loved one, a friend, a birthday, or any other special event.

Your donations and gifts are always welcome at the library to further enhance our collection.

  • All donations are tax deductible.
  • Checks can be written to the Grimes Public Library.
  • You may drop off your donation at the library or mail it to 200 NE Beaverbrooke Blvd.; Grimes, IA 50111


Memorial contributions to honor your loved one can be made to the Grimes Public Library in your loved one’s name. The funds go to the Library Foundation. You may make a monetary donation to be used as the library sees fit or you may specify how you would like your contribution to be used.

Estate Planning

If you are interested in including the library in your estate planning, please contact Cheryl Heid, Library Director for additional information.

We also accept book donations but reserve the right of placement to our collection.

For more information, please see our Gifts and Donations Policy.


There are a variety of ways you can give your time and talent to the library. Consider giving back to the community to make things better for someone else at the Grimes Public Library. For more information, contact the library at 515-986-3551, go to or see our Volunteer Policy.